How to add, approve and manage users in SmartZoom®
Anyone with the role of "Administrator" has access to the user management:
There you can see and edit all registered users, add new ones manually, see who is inactive and change user roles.
Depending on the settings of your SmartZoom® platform user might be able to register on their own. If you would like to add a user manually press "Add new" (1), in the next row(2) you can see all the registered users and those who attempted it, filter by the roles (a-f), see who is not activated yet (g), and who needs to be approved(h).
If a user registered they need to confirm their email address by clicking on a link in an automated mail. Users you don't do that can be found in not activated(g). These users can be activated manually if needed, but you should confirm that the data given is correct. Most users who end up not activated are there due to typos in their e-mail addresses.
If your platform has the "Approval needed" feature activated, all new users will initially appear in the tab unapproved(h). These users need to be manually approved before they can access any content.
If you would like to add a user manually, maybe someone who does not fit the domain filter on your platform, you can click on "Add new" and fill out the required fields like email(1) and password(2), set a role for the new user(3) and optionally add an expiration date for the account before creating it (5).
Please note: A manually added user will not get an email notification.
Below the role filters you can see a list of your users.
Here you can delete users (1) or change their roles(2).
You will also see a list(3) with the user name(a), the name(b), if the user added it, registered email address(c), the role(d), staus(e), last login(f) and when the user registered(g)
You can sort them by user name(a), email address(c) and then they registered(g).
If you hover over a user you get the option to edit them:
Here you can change the user roles (1) and add the first and last name of the user(2). You can choose the display name(3), please note that the users can change this anytime in their user profile.
You can restrict access by setting an expiration date(4) for the account. You can also change the user's e-mail address(5), please note this email address will not be verified. You can auto-generate a password(6) and see all the user assignments(7).
Do not forget to save, once you've made your changes(8).