How to create, edit and use assignments in SmartZoom®
Assignments are one way to restrict courses and folders to specific users. If you add an assignment to a course or folder a window will open.
Here you can create your first assignment by adding a title and pressing "Create Assignment"
You can select what file types this assignment will allow within the course/folder. "Deny" means users will not see the item, "Allow" is the default setting, if the items are activated (eye is set to green), "Force" means even if an item is deactivated (eye is set to red) users will be able to see it.
You have the option to add a time restriction to the assignment (2), for example, if a quiz should only be available for a limited time.
You can either add users (3) manually (4) or import a .csv list (6) or you can generate codes (6) or with an enrollment.
Don't forget to save your changes(7). And you can always remove an assignment.
Please note that all the changes you make are global. Meaning if you create "Assignment 1" and add it to more than one course/folder all the changes you make in "Assignment 1" will be true for every course/folder this assignment has been added to. Removing the assignment from a course/folder does not delete the assignment it just removes it from those specific course/folder.
You can add existing assignments to a course/folder by starting to type the name and then selecting the existing assignment (1) and pressing "Add existing assignment" (2).
Aside from adding users by hand or via .csv import, you can generate codes.
Generations an invite code(1) will create a code that can be used repeatedly (2a), if you check "Onetime"(2) the code can only be used by one person (2b). If a user uses a one-time code it will be marked as disabled (3), that way you can see which codes are still active and which ones have been used. You can also disable codes manually (4).