How to upload whole-slide images into the SlideCloud to be used in SmartZoom®
Log into the Slide Cloud connected to your SmartZoom® and navigate to "Upload Image"
You can see there which file formats we currently support and how much storage space you have left:
You can either drag and drop the files into this window or click "Choose images" and select the files there. If you upload several tiles at once, we suggest you do it at the end of the day, turn off your screen and let the upload commence overnight.
Once the images are uploaded that you need to assign slides to a folder in order to synchronize them to the SmartZoom® platform. Folders in the SlideCould are only to sort images and have easier access. You can assign the same image to different folders. Popular folder structures are:
- folders are named after organs
- folders are named after teachers/lecturers who will use the images
- folders are named by the upload date
To assign images to folders first select the images (1), click on "Assign to folders" (2) and then select the folder(3):
To make sure you've assigned all your images you can use the filter option (1) and only display images that are not in any folder (2)
Once all your images are uploaded and assigned you are ready to synchronize them with your SmartZoom® platform.